Do you know HOPE? Really?

Ok.  I admit it. The title of my post is a bit misleading.  I would like to talk to you about HOPE International, an international organization that presents itself as “a network of microfinance institutions operating in 17 countries around the world”.   I had the chance of visiting HOPE’s headquarters in Lancaster, PA back in December 2012.  HOPE is an organization that seeks to alleviate the ravages of poverty in the world by showing to poor communities around the world how they can achieve economic improvement by saving a little bit regularly and applying principles of microfinance.

One of the great ways they help communities is by organizing them in the form of cooperatives, where each member gets responsibilities and privileges.  The coop then starts an economic activity that ultimately benefits all members.

HOPE is also a christian organization. This is why part of their work involves the spiritual development of the communities they touch.

If you want to know more about HOPE, please visit their website here.

Author: Act Against Poverty

We are a team of 4 graduate students from the Online University of Liverpool, bound by the same desire to speak about the plague that poverty is, with an aim to raise an awareness that springs into action. "And the truth, you know, love is all we need." - Lyrics from "We are the World" (1985), by USA for Africa

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